XOM Boss Promotion Caricature Gift

As requested, we drew a caricature as a gift for their boss who’s been promoted. They wanted us to drew him scaling the mountain with a flagĀ  with the word XOM in red in his left hand and in his right, his holding the Nalgene water bottle. They also made one special request in which his smile NOT TO BE so dramatic as he is quite a serious guy.2012-09-07-Boss-Promotion-Gift-Peak-moutain-water-bottle-caricapture

Farewell Gift Caricature for a Senior Expat Risk Management Executive

He likes drinking Coke and his greatest achievement is reducing credit card fraud cases reflected by the graph behind him. You only need….

A farewell gift caricature presented to a department boss leaving Singapore to take on bigger post in USA.

Gift Caricature for Insurance Agency Corporate Retreat in Milan

Sketching caricatures work in progress from pencil drawing to markers.
A whole pile of photos to be drawn in a week. We had to be organised and distributed the task to 3 artists in the studio.
Rows of caricatures to be drawn as incentive gift for insurance agents
Rows of caricatures for 67 winners of the AIA incentive award
Caricature sample of AIA Insurance agent businessman standing with Milan background.
A closer look at the individual drawings with Milan as the background. This is where the drawing will be presented.

Graduating with joy – Graduation Gift Caricature Drawing

University graduation convocation congratulatory congratulations gifts lady caricature drawing by singapore cartoonist company or caricatura artistsThe crane in the background represents good luck as it is the bringer of good tidings. This is a congratulatory gift from a dear friend to a recent graduate of finance and banking from Singapore Institute of Management University.