Event caricaturist as ‘Live Entertainment’ at Dinner and Dance

We occasionally do ‘live’ drawing engagements at pre-dinner cocktails to entertain the guests before dinner commences. Caricature drawing is always fun, engaging and entertaining for a crowd. We draw fast and slightly exaggerated, we vary the level of exaggeration based on how much the audience and sitter appreciates the art of caricature. These photos below were from a recent job Kamal did for scientists and researchers of IBN celebrating their 5th Anniversary at the Asian Civilization Museum.

Live caricature drawing on the speed for entertainment at pre dinner coctail

Good Guitarist from Republic Polytechnic

Caricature drawing of cartoon playing guitar as gift for special friend and collegue.

This caricature was for a talented young dude who is leaving his job at Republic Polytechnic. He is described by his colleagues who ordered this gift as good at playing the guitar and a cheerful person. This drawing coloured with marker was done by our new artist Mr. Luthfi Mustafa. He is already an accomplished artist but this is his first caricature assignment.