Sezairi Sezali Our Singapore Idol 2009

On this new year eve, winner of Singapore idol Sezairi Sezali caught my attention. Despite his victory over the first woman finalist Sylvia Ratonel who was an impressive performer, there is now public outcry that another Malay boy has grabbed the title for the third season. Even some Malays seem ashamed of Sezairi’s success because Malays are known to excel in entertainment and sports while the rate of divorce and academic excellence is still much to be desired. Sezairi and his family seem to manage the adversities rather well.

I did not follow the programme from the start except for the final episode last Sunday which was entertaining and in my opinion, Sezairi is the better performer. Despite the outcry from Sylvia’s supporter, I think it was a fair fight and in reflection for the new year I think we have progressed much as a society that we can openly discuss about race and gender issues and that Singapore is a meritocratic society demonstrated by the fact that Sezairi still gets the SMS votes because he is good and not by the colour of his skin.

To each his best. People should realize that the arts is as important as all the other sciences. I knew this first hand as I was once ashamed and was a let down for being a Malay boy who is good at drawing and did not realize my full potentials till very late.

Anyone who could defeat thousands of participants and entertain millions deserve my respect. With that in mind I humbly dedicate this morning to drawing my idol and hero. We post it high resolution for his fans to download.

Our Boss is Kung Fu Panda Gift Caricature

Three ladies came to our studio and ordered a farewell gift for their boss. He loves the animated movie Kung Fu Panda. So we suggested a gag of him like in the opening sequence of the movie where Po the Panda rescued the bunnies in his dream. Asked how they could repay his heroic deed, he nonchalantly replied: “There is no charge for awesomeness… or attractiveness.” That line is a classic. Go watch it if you have not.

Jean-Michel Basquiat Caricature

A quick digital painting exercise on a Sunday morning.

He was the first painter of African descent to become an international art star. Started as a graffiti artist, he conquered the art world in the eighties, ending up with a long friendship with Andy Warhol, who died one year before him. His enormous appetite for drugs killed him at 27. On emight say that 27 is a dangerous age for drugs using artists (Morrison, Joplin, Hendrix...)

Drawing On The Dancefloor

This was a tricky engagement. It was a singles party organised by Safra and SDU at a discotheque – Dragonfly at St James Power Station. The place was packed and the light is very dim. I came prepared with my battery operated LED light which is bright enough to illuminate the face of the person in front of me as well as my drawing board. Managed to position myself in a corner and started drawing in a standing position. Its fun to draw with good music in the background and its very entertaining for the guests who is in a good party mood and laughing at each others drawing helps to break the ice.